Shape Sioux Falls 2040 - Comprehensive Plan


Shape SF 2040 image Future Planning

Sioux Falls has a wonderful history of planning for and managing, its growth. The original Comprehensive City Plan was a Harland Bartholomew and Associates plan from November 1950. Growth Management is a valued practice in our region in all aspects of the community.

The currently adopted comprehensive plan for Sioux Falls is Shape Sioux Falls 2040. Shape Sioux Falls was update during the summer of 2019.  This minor update of the comprehensive plan identified development potential in all three future organized areas (tiers).  Tier 1 is those areas where annexation is advisable in the next 5 years.  Tier 2 annexation is not advisable and is not projected to be developed for 6 to 15 years.  Tier 3 is the most future growth area, and is only identified for development in 16 to 25 years.  


Brief National History Timeline:

1916 – Nation’s first comprehensive zoning regulations – New York City

1924 – U.S. Department of Commerce issues Standards State Zoning Enabling Act

1926 – U.S. Supreme Court upholds constitutionality of zoning regulations – Village of Euclid v. Ambler Realty

Sioux Falls History Timeline:

1949 – South Dakota Comprehensive Planning Statues adopted

1950 – Harold Bartholomew Comprehensive Plan adopted – first comprehensive plan

1969 – Greater Sioux Falls Regional Comprehensive Plan adopted

1979 – Year 2000 Comprehensive Plan adopted

1996 – 2015 Growth Management Plan adopted

2009 – Shape Sioux Falls 2035 Comprehensive Plan adopted

2016 – Shape Sioux Falls 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update adopted

2019 - Shape Sioux Falls 2040 Update – Maps for Development Areas, Sanitary Availability, Water & Roads, Drainage and Future Land Use.

2022 - Shape Sioux Falls 2040 Update – Maps for Development Areas, Sanitary Availability, Water & Roads, Drainage and Future Land Use.